صفات الجنة في سورة الرحمن: دراسة موضوعية

Characteristic of Paradise in Surah Al-Rahman; objectively study

  • Dr. Muhammas Ismaeel Bin Abdul Salam NUML, Islamabad
  • Dr. Abu Bakar Bahta NUML, Islamabad
Keywords: Qur’an, Hadith, Surah Al-Rahman, Paradise


Thus the whole sayings or acts of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) proved to be the explanation of the Qur’an. Keeping this reality in view the writer has studied the whole treasure of the Hadith analytically and discussed the duty of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for explanation of the Qur’an and primary and secondary sources of this pious duty pointing out different aspects of the explanation of the Qur’an by the Hadith; Qur’anic words, Qur’anic terms, Qur’anic notions, Qur’anic thoughts and even valuable points and conclusions the Prophet (PBUH) made through pondering upon this Holy Book.

Author Biographies

Dr. Muhammas Ismaeel Bin Abdul Salam, NUML, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Deptt: of Arbic

Dr. Abu Bakar Bahta, NUML, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Deptt: of Arbic

How to Cite
Dr. Muhammas Ismaeel Bin Abdul Salam, & Dr. Abu Bakar Bahta. (2018). صفات الجنة في سورة الرحمن: دراسة موضوعية: Characteristic of Paradise in Surah Al-Rahman; objectively study . Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 2(2), 289-310. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.2.2.2018.47