ARABIC: معالم الحضارة الإسلامية فى ضوء السيرة النبوية
The Characteristics of Islamic Civilization in the light of Prophetic Seerah
The foundations of Islamic civilizations are laid on the motives of learning and spreading knowledge; knowledge which may help know God and discern truth from falsehood. The first ever revelation calls to read even before calling towards the belief in oneness of God. The knowledge helps humanity understand its worth and identify true relationship with its creator thus emancipates mankind from all kinds of slavery. Surrendering to only Allah SWT and obeying Him by all means is the nucleus of Islamic civilization and it releases mankind from submitting to any physical object or people of authority. Along with submitting to Allah SWT, Islamic civilization lays emphasis upon fulflling the rights of fellow human beings. This consciousness of fulfilling the rights of God and fellow humans is not a result of societal bindings and constitutional compulsion rather it stems from the goodness of heart and purity of intention. The Holy Prophet PBUH delineated the basic features of Islamic civilization by propagating the ethics of human heartedness, love and patience. Forgiving the worst enemies while being in control, keeping the ties of blood relations intact despite the conflicts and letting people practice freedom of belief and opinion are few of the moral values which characterize a true Islamic society laid on the footsteps of the Holy Prophet PBUH. Like any developed counterpart, Islamic civilization establishes a state based upon safeguarding the basic human rights and protecting its minorities as well as providing every citizen with the rights to justice and equity. It sets the rules of war and not only prohibits killings of children, women and non-fighting public during the wars but also protects the trees and places of worship in the lands of enemy. This paper is an attempt to sort out the basic characteristics of Islamic civilization as exhibited in the seerah of our beloved Prophet PBUH.