ENGLISH: The evolution of (temptation of materialism) material temptation, various forms and prevention
Ignorant Western morals are being instilled in individuals in the same way water is sucked up by roots of saplings when they are watered. In very much the same vein, the tsunami of materialism which has swept everything in its wake has also reached the hearts and minds of Muslims and continues to do so at an ever-increasing rate. This blind pursuit of desires is a thirst that is unquenchable. The Prophet ﷺ gave a very beautiful example of this: "If a person is given two valleys of wealth by Allah, he will surely desire a third valley of wealth". How can we expect to reap great crops from a land without putting in the hard work, the old adage stands true “what you reap is what you sow”, No matter how much how arable a piece of land may be, but it is foolish to expect anything from it without putting the hard work needed to grow something, only weeds will grow there? It will remain barren. The Heart is like the example of this field, how can it bear fruit? It is not possible until we are caught in this whirlpool of materialism, where there are constant and ever-increasing musings of making money, of increasing honor, of gaining power and status, how can we hear the voice of a bilghaib(غیب)? We have found light at the end of tunnel and break these shackles of materialism and free ourselves from this material world and come to a place where we can hear the voice of Allah, the call of the Qur'an and the teachings of the Hadith, and that is to think of what is right in our hearts.