URDU: کم سنی کی شادی: تفہیم، تاریخ، مفاسد (طبی، معاشرتی، معاشی، نفسیاتی) اور عصرِ حاضر

Underage Marriage: Understanding, History, Disorders (Medically, Socially, Economically, Psychologically) and Contemporary

  • Dr. Muhammad Riaz University of Baltistan, Skardu, Baltistan Pakistan
  • Dr. Muhammad Hamza University of Makuran, Panjgoor, Balochistan, Pakistan
Keywords: Underage Marriage, History, Disorders, Contemporary


The evolutionary and cultural standard of human life is that it should be repeated through the process of experiments and observations. In a frozen state, neither human life nor social action can be ignited. To the extent that human problems are linked to interpretations or examined through analysis, social problems will be solved and man will have a sinful peace. The issue of "Underage Marriage" is also one of the issues related to family life, which has a lot of scope for analysis and many aspects of research are still thirsty. It is generally blamed on the Muslim community for the marriage of an Underage and it is assumed on the basis of certain evidences that the practice of promoting the marriage of a Child is more common in Islamic teachings. In view of this allegation, our research will be directed towards the Pakistani society in particular while we will also discuss the Muslim society in general. As mentioned, Muslim society is responsible for underage marriage. Opponents, especially Western intellectuals, adopt a critical tone in their scholarly material and do not consider Islamic teachings to be free from doubt. However, the general aim of Islamic teachings is to guide humanity and save the world and the hereafter. The strategy of a religion which has provided guidance to every corner of man from his private life to his collective life cannot be flawed in any respect. If, in some cases, underage marriage has been allowed, or if there is a precedent in history, then surely behind that purpose the needs and natures of humanity have been taken care of. Therefore, in this article, we will not consider the marriage of Child as an integral part of the Muslim society, at the same time we will be convinced of its legitimacy. However, this justification will not be free from modern conditions, geographical boundaries and social customs.

Author Biographies

Dr. Muhammad Riaz, University of Baltistan, Skardu, Baltistan Pakistan

Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, Department of Educational Development

Dr. Muhammad Hamza, University of Makuran, Panjgoor, Balochistan, Pakistan

Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies

How to Cite
Dr. Muhammad Riaz, & Dr. Muhammad Hamza. (2022). URDU: کم سنی کی شادی: تفہیم، تاریخ، مفاسد (طبی، معاشرتی، معاشی، نفسیاتی) اور عصرِ حاضر: Underage Marriage: Understanding, History, Disorders (Medically, Socially, Economically, Psychologically) and Contemporary. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 6(2), 36-51. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.6.2.2022/417