گرو نانک کے جانشین اور سکھ مت کے ارتقاء میں ان کی اہمیت

The Succeeds of Guru Nanak and Their Significance in the Development of Sikhism.

  • Maria Maan Muhay-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Azad Kashmir
  • Dr. Shabbir Hussain Muhay-ud-Din Islamic University, AJK.
Keywords: Guru Nanak (Founder of Sikhism), Succeeds, Followers, Society


This article is an attempt to know about “The Succeeds of Guru Nanak and Their Significance in the Development of Sikhism .There have been nine Succeeds of Guru Nanak in the history of Sikhism. They took significant role in the field of development of Sikhism. It has been studied the major works of these succeeds in this articles. It throws light on the methodology and strategies of the succeeds of Guru Nanak in their reign. Gurdwara panja sahib is one of the holiest places in Sikhism which is believe hold a rock hand print of Guru Nanak. Every year, hundreds and thousands of pilgrims from various parts of the world, especially India and rural areas of Sindh, visit this temple to offer religious rituals in Connection with various occasion like Rakhi, Besakhi, Birth and death anniversary of Guru Nanak Ddev, Joti Jott Mela, death anniversary 05th Guru of Sikhism Guru Arjun Dev. and last emperor of Punjab Maharaja Ranjeet Singh. The lager (holy Food) served at the temple is part of the teachings of Guru Nanak dev Ji, the founder of Sikhism.

Author Biographies

Maria Maan, Muhay-ud-Din Islamic University, Nerian Sharif, Azad Kashmir

Ph.D Scholar, Islamic Studies Deptt:

Dr. Shabbir Hussain, Muhay-ud-Din Islamic University, AJK.

Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies Deptt:

How to Cite
Maria Maan, & Dr. Shabbir Hussain. (2018). گرو نانک کے جانشین اور سکھ مت کے ارتقاء میں ان کی اہمیت: The Succeeds of Guru Nanak and Their Significance in the Development of Sikhism. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 2(2), 156-173. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.2.2.2018.40