ARABIC: قصة آدم وحواء في النصوص القرآنية والكتب السماوية

The story of Adam and Eve in Quranic texts and divine books

  • Dr. Lubna Farah NUML, Islamabad
Keywords: Divine books, Adam and Eve, Story, teachings.


The paper discusses the comparison between Adam and Eve story in holy books i.e., Quran and Bible, the Holy Quran is the Muslims’ way of life, the Muslims’ practice the Quran in their daily life. Quran is absolutely miraculous God’s words. Its language is very beautiful. It includes stories, the stories in Quran are the best stories, the stories in Quran not the same as previous scriptures. The stories in Quran clarify the stories in the Old and New Testaments. Adam is one of the interesting stories in Quran, its narrated in seven suras. Al Baqarah, Al Araf, Al Hijr, Al Isra, Al Kahf, Sa’ad, and sura Thah. This repetition shows its importance, it also has values for mankind. This story tells us how angels as pious creatures must respect Adam because he is leaned, creature. It is clarified in the story education is functional, practical universal continual, and potential traits of Islam. The research reveals the aspects of the few similarities between the holy books in presenting the story. As the study reveals that this story is repeated in Quran in many suras whereas in the Tawra it is mentioned in one place.

Author Biography

Dr. Lubna Farah, NUML, Islamabad

Assistant Professor

How to Cite
Dr. Lubna Farah. (2021). ARABIC: قصة آدم وحواء في النصوص القرآنية والكتب السماوية : The story of Adam and Eve in Quranic texts and divine books. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 5(2), 83-96.