اسلامی معاشیات میں امداد باہمی کا تصور

The concept of mutual cooperation in Islamic finance

  • Muhammad Sadiq University of Balochistan Quetta.
Keywords: Islamic finance, mutual cooperation, Faith, Shared risk, joint profit


Islamic finance is simply a different way to structure or to create products that are consistent with the Islamic faith. Shared risk and joint profit are also important elements of Islamic finance, and various cooperative frameworks are employed in housing and other sectors. When you look at global finance, [Islamic finance] is a very, very high growth. Islamic finance is a socially responsible financial system and uses Islamic law (sharia) to regulate various sectors, including banking, investments, and insurance. Under the system, Islamic investments are often referred to as halal investments, or sharia-compliant investments. However we will discuss in this Paper the concept of mutual cooperation in Islamic finance.

Author Biography

Muhammad Sadiq, University of Balochistan Quetta.

M.Phil Scholar, Deptt: of Islamic Studies, 

How to Cite
Muhammad Sadiq. (2018). اسلامی معاشیات میں امداد باہمی کا تصور: The concept of mutual cooperation in Islamic finance. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 2(2), 83-103. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.2.2.2018.37