ARABIC: الإسهامات العلمية للقاضي ظفر الدين لاهوري: دراسة خاصة لعلق نفيس شرح المعلقات السبع
Academic services of Qāzī Zafar Uddin Lahorī: A special study of ‘Ilq e Nafees translation of seven odes
This study is about the academic services of Qāzī Zafar Uddin. He was a well-known scholar and teacher of thirteenth century. He taught Arabic literature in oriental college Lahore. He was a good poet, famous writer and eminent journalist. He serviced as editor of a famous magazine Naseem e Sabah. He contributed in Islamic and Arabic literature through his writings. This study is divided into two parts; first is related to life history of Qāzī Zafar Uddin, and second is related to his literary work and special study of ‘Ilq e Nafees, his literary work which is the translation and explanation of seven odes (سبعه معلقات). This study critically and technically analyzed the explanation and translation of seven odes write by Qāzī Zafar Uddin Lahorī.