ARABIC: المقاصد المرعية لدى الفقهاء في مؤلفاتهم في ترتيب الأبواب الفقهية

The Objectives Considered By Jurists in Their Books Interms of Arranging the Jurisprudential Chapters

  • Dr. Safiullah Wakeel international Islamic University, Islamabad
Keywords: Jurisprudential Chapters, jurists, topics of jurisprudence, the four schools of thought.


This research clarifies the arrangement of Jurisprudential Chapters made by Jurists in their books. They divided these chapters  to acts of worship and treatment and the other branches of Islamic Jurisprudence that regulate the relationship of the human with his Lord (Allah) as well as other matters which are needed by the human in his relationship with common people, so, we found our scholars arranging these different Jurisprudential provisions in their books in line with human reality in terms of  commencing with the important thing and then the most important one ot reach the needed and the desired goal of writing these books, and one of the greatest of them  is to bring closer understanding to those who benefit from this scientific heritage that was left for us by these exceptional scholars (Ulama) where they took care of arranging their books for the benefit and understanding of the intended meaning with ease, and this arrangement didn't happen randomly, but rather had a prominent reason in the author's mind, especially in jurisprudence, this systematic arrangement from these scholars in their books help students and readers to memorize and understand the issues contained therein, arranged in a sequential order that is compatible with the nature of  man.

Author Biography

Dr. Safiullah Wakeel, international Islamic University, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Shari'ah and Law

How to Cite
Dr. Safiullah Wakeel. (2021). ARABIC: المقاصد المرعية لدى الفقهاء في مؤلفاتهم في ترتيب الأبواب الفقهية: The Objectives Considered By Jurists in Their Books Interms of Arranging the Jurisprudential Chapters. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 5(2), 48-57.