Polemical Writings on the Sources of Sirah in the West: A critical Evaluation of Robert Spencer’s Book Did Muhammad Exist.?
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has inspired various scholars to write about his life, character, teachings and contributions to humanity. He is the only man in the whole world whose life, character, teachings and utterances have been completely recorded. Western writers also studied the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Their study of the prophet has generally been motivated by hostile criticism and religious and historical prejudice of the west. Robert Spencer is also included in the list of such critics of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He is an American author who is very famous for his criticism of Islam, Qur’ān and Prophet of Islam. He has published fifteen books so far. Along with other aspects he criticizes sources of the Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This research evaluates the objections raised by Robert Spencer on the Qur’ān and Hadith as sources of Sirah. It, rejecting Spencer’s objections, proves that Qur’ān and Hadith are the most authentic and reliable sources of Sirah and provide a lot of authentic information about the personality, deeds and teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).