The Disgrace of Womankind in the Ancient and Modern Civilization and Cultures. A Comparative Analysis with the Teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)

  • Dr. Aziz ur Rehman saifee University of Karachi
  • Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Alam University of Karachi
  • Prof. Dr. Ubaid Ahmed Khan University of Karachi
Keywords: womankind, woman liberation, women rights, modern civilization.


The present study sheds light on the disgrace of women over the centuries. The way this world has been treating and treats at present, women, and how different culture in context of religious has given the status is the focal points of this analysis. The present-day woman is not an embodiment of the slogans of liberty, equality and freedom. The present-day woman is what she was never before. The research investigates how this particular status has been a subject to the contrary practices of the above mentioned Slogans. Do Slogans embody the existence of women or they just create an allusion? The comparative study and analysis of women status in different religions’ and cultures pinpoints the actual physical mental, social and economic inequalities they have been suff-ering through. So the very idea of a liberated woman is the question the present study seeks to answer. Moreover, it explores what status Islam has given to women in real, and what misinterpretations are associate to their status. 

Author Biographies

Dr. Aziz ur Rehman saifee, University of Karachi

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic

Dr. Muhammad Ishaq Alam, University of Karachi

Assistant Professor, Department of Usooluddin

Prof. Dr. Ubaid Ahmed Khan, University of Karachi

Chairman, Department of Usooluddin

How to Cite
saifee, D. A. ur R., Alam, D. M. I., & Khan, P. D. U. A. (2019). The Disgrace of Womankind in the Ancient and Modern Civilization and Cultures. A Comparative Analysis with the Teachings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 3(2(2), 1-12.