نوجوانوں میں تعلیم و تربیت کے فقدان کا تدارک اور سد باب سیرت مبارکہ کی روشنی میں

Causes of lack of education and socialization in youth and their remedies in light of the seerah

  • Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rehman University of Malakand, Dir Lower.
Keywords: Destruction, Deterioration, Humanity, Socialization, Decadence


Youth is no doubt the asset of Muslim world. If they are utilized in charitable activities; in the protection of respect and honor; and developmental works, they can prove to be beneficial and a blessing. While if they are taken by destructive elements in their hands they will become source of destruction and harm. By providing proper Islamic education, our future will be in safe hands and will breath in an air of respect among other nations.

In young age, deterioration in manners and moral corruption are alarming and cause mischief in society. Therefore, the interest taken in the problems of youth will result in a progressive society and ummah. Islam has given a special place to youth and has declared them future architect and leaders of humanity. The holy prophet S.A.W has given much importance to the youth and focused on them during his life time.  In Islamic history, Muslim youth has represented the Muslim world in golden words and has spread the message of Islam’s moral height and greatness to the coming generations and nations. Due to the importance of youth problem of the youth in current time regarding lack of education and training are particularly discussed in this article. The research article begins with the detailed study of the research done in the area of education and socialization of youth. Moreover, the importance of education and socialization has been discussed in the light of the teachings of Quran and Hadith. After this, decadence in education, factors responsible for the decadence in education and its worse consequences have been thoroughly discussed in the light of the teachings of Islam.  As there are several reasons responsible for the downfall of education like: parents, teachers, education system, society, state, preachers, political parties and media, therefore, responsibility of the remedy of this lack of proper education and socialization also depend on all these stake holders. In the end of the paper, recommendations are given for the cure of decadence in education.

Author Biography

Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rehman, University of Malakand, Dir Lower.

Dean, Faculty of Arts & Humanities

How to Cite
Prof. Dr. Atta ur Rehman. (2018). نوجوانوں میں تعلیم و تربیت کے فقدان کا تدارک اور سد باب سیرت مبارکہ کی روشنی میں: Causes of lack of education and socialization in youth and their remedies in light of the seerah. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 2(1), 52-70. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.2.1.2018.22