اسلام کامعاشی واقتصادی نظام اوراس کےخصائص(تعلیمات نبویﷺ کی روشنی میں)
The Economic/Financial System of Islam and Its Characteristics (In the Light of Prophetic Teachings)
The religion of Islam provides complete code of life for all humans, for all mankind, at all times, and in every place, in all the fields of life, has been revealed as a rule for all the areas of life. Islam has been revealed by the creator and owner of this world for the sake of human beings, so that Allah knows best to know, where and what rules and what religion It is better than they can walk the system of the world with moderation and justice, and can be able to change their Hereafter, because of which the religion which has been chosen for their servants is better, superior and capable and acceptable. There is no one else capable of being superior and capable.
There is no bar on state ownership of enterprise in Islam. The basic economic institutions may be brought under state control, if this is required to establish social justice or protect the interests of the community. Islam protects lawful property and is in favour of confiscation of unlawful property. There are some instances of takeover of unlawful property during the period of Hazart Omar and Hazrat Omar bin-Abdul Aziz. Lawful property can be taken over by the state only for valid social reasons after due compensation. During the last Hajj the Prophet (SM) announced the principle of protection of lawful property. The Quran says, "Don't eat each other's property wrongfully" (Sura Nisa, Ayat-29).