حضور اکرمﷺ بطور پیمبرِ امن و سلامتی
The Muhammadﷺ as a Prophet of peace and security
Peace can be defined as a state of mind of individuals and groups where everyone lives without apprehension, discomfort or fear of the other. Justice gives birth to peace; when there is justice, there is a sense of security among people. A peacemaker is one who mitigates conflicts and nurtures good will and brings about a sustainable balance to the society. Indeed, Prophet Muhammad's life was an example of living the life of a peace maker.
The absolute character of Holy Prophetﷺ is impeccable in all characteristics and bestows an outright guidance in every step of life. It is an exemplary and pure fountain of love and mercy. His mercy is restricted not only to human beings but is also for animals and other creatures too. In this Paper will try to Discus about the character of Muhammadﷺ as Peace and Security maker, nothing is new, you have heard them time and again, but I am asking you to look at the deeper dimension embedded into these actions in creating peace for yourselves and the people who surround you. It is essentially expanding and sharing with you what Rahmatul Aalameen, a mercy to a mankind means.