ARABIC: المشكلات في ترجمة المصطلحات العربية الدينية إلى الأردية: استراتيجيات وحلول
The problems in translating Arabic religious terms into Urdu (Strategies and solutions)
The translation is like a bridge that connects different societies and civilizations. It transfers linguistic expressions from one language to another, and connects the social and cultural life of different peoples and nations. It transfers knowledge, experience, values, ideas, principles, traditions and thoughts of the people from one language to another. Translation itself is an art & science that has its own rules, foundations and strategies. Translators may face many difficulties, problems and challenges especially in the literary translation, as each language has its own distinct characteristics and features. So, these difficulties and problems arise when using idioms, phrases linguistic and semantic structures, and in choosing the appropriate meaning or determining the nature of the word's use, style, and so on. The translation requires literary talent, a comprehensive knowledge of the original language (source language) and the language translated into it (target language), mastery of all the rules of the two languages (source language and target language) and a full awareness of the cultural background of two languages from the specialists of this field. The translator must know the type of text, the language, the intellectual and cultural context of the translated text, and the background of its author. As well as the information about the culture and civilization of other nation. Urdu language has been influenced by different languages such as Persian, Sanskrit and Arabic. And many words and terms are taken from these languages. Especially religious terminology is taken directly from Arabic, i.e., Hajj, Umrah, Zakat, Nikah and Talaq etc. This article highlights the problems in translating Arabic Religious terminology into Urdu and suggests some strategies and solutions.