دراسۃ عروضیۃ لشعر ابی بکر الصدیق رضی اللہ عنہ

Prosodical Study of the Poetry of Abubakar Siddique

  • Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed G.C University, Faisalabad
  • Dr. Imrana Shahzadi Govt: College Women University, Faisalabad
Keywords: Poetry, personal Qualities, Hazrat Abu Bakar, Prophet(PBUH)


Poetry was given very high status and supreme honor in Arabic civilization. Poets were known  as pride of their tribes. This talent was used in battles to defeat their enemies. Through poetry the used to show tribal identity, triumph, work, bravery bounty and honor. Poets also depicted their personal Qualities caliber, characteristics and achievement. After advent of Islam topics of the poetry were modified, but the importance of poets and poetry was not pared down. Prophet of Islam (PBUH) expressed his approved for poetry and admired their disciples for their poetic talent. Rashidun Caliphs were not poets in its real meanings, but their talent of poetry cannot be denied. Their brilliance and artistry in poetry was very luxurious and impression. Hazart Abu Bakar, for example had literary qualities. His study of compendium or dewan shows that his technicality of poetry was exactly according to the Arab norms. His verses were on line with parameters of poetry. This article presents some specimen of Hazrat Abu Bakar’s poetry as a proof that he was very Qadir-ul-Kalam poet.

Author Biographies

Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed, G.C University, Faisalabad

Assistant Professor, Department of Arbic

Dr. Imrana Shahzadi, Govt: College Women University, Faisalabad

Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic

How to Cite
Dr. Iftikhar Ahmed, & Dr. Imrana Shahzadi. (2020). دراسۃ عروضیۃ لشعر ابی بکر الصدیق رضی اللہ عنہ: Prosodical Study of the Poetry of Abubakar Siddique. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 4(1), 209-216. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.4.1.2020.120