فلاح معاشرہ میں خواتین کا کردار وذمہ داریاں تعلیمات نبوی کی روشنی میں

Responsibilities/ Role of women in the Welfare of Society (In the light of the teachings of the Prophet)

  • Dr. Syed Naeem Badsha Agriculture University, Peshawar, KPK
  • Dr. Iram Sultana NUML, Islamabad
Keywords: Women, Islamic spirit, awareness, contributed, undeniable


Allah is the creator of all universe and human beings as being crown of creation are bound with the ties of love, and unity. No one can survive alone. So man wants to live in groups and these groups form a society. Islam gives much importance to women, honored her. Women contributed a lot in the welfare of a society. It is a woman who born and brings up great personalities to work the great for the progress of a society. Status and historical role of women in society is undeniable. This article deals with meritorious contribution of women in the welfare of society. The women with true Islamic spirit and awareness of all the preaching and teachings of Holy Quran and Sunnah can serve   the society in the best manner. At the advent of Prophet ﷺ the women were treated as a slave, deprived of her rights. Islam gave the woman their due right, Respect and Honor and woman contributed a lot in all the field of life especially in Education. An educated woman is the blessing for a society. So woman should perform at their level best for the welfare of the society being a mother, a sister, a wife being within the limits of Islam. Women were seen as wives to cook and take care of kids but now it is realized women should have some different type of role like holding position in governments, doing job at top level, and doing business, so it proves their presence outside the kitchen and laundry. So this article discusses role and responsibities of women in the light of Islamic teaching.

Author Biographies

Dr. Syed Naeem Badsha, Agriculture University, Peshawar, KPK

Chairman, Department Islamic Studies

Dr. Iram Sultana, NUML, Islamabad

Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies

How to Cite
Dr. Syed Naeem Badsha, & Dr. Iram Sultana. (2020). فلاح معاشرہ میں خواتین کا کردار وذمہ داریاں تعلیمات نبوی کی روشنی میں: Responsibilities/ Role of women in the Welfare of Society (In the light of the teachings of the Prophet). Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 4(1), 175-186. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.4.1.2020.117