تحقیق مقاصد شریعت میں استقراء کا کردار
The Role of istiqra’a in finding maqasid-e-shariat
Istiqra is an important and famous technical terminology of seeking the Truth; most righteous meanings, usages and realities in different fields of knowledge. First of all this word was used in Aristotle books. With the passage of time, variety of meanings and explanations were given in its context by the Muslim and non-muslim scholar’s .This article discusses the difference of meanings of this termin-ology in research methodology, logic, and Maqasid al-shariah. Istiqra is given importance in defining and understanding maqasi al- shariah by the renowned Andalusian muslim legal scholar shatibi(720-790 A.H/1320-1388 A.D). Maqasid-al-shariah is a new approach and an important field of usul-al-fiqh to correctly understand the intentions of Allah and the sayings of His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to answer and solve the new problems, arousing in everyday life as well as in every new era.