رواۃ حدیث کے تعارف میں مفتی محمد فرید ؒ اور شیخ سلم اللہ خانؒ کی آ راء کاتقابلی جائزہ

Comparative overview between the opinions of Mufti Muhammad Fareed and Sheikh Saleemullah Khan on Rowaat-e-Hadith

  • Zia Ullah Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan
Keywords: Rawayah, Quran, Hadith, Sharia, Sahih, Da’if, Isnad, Comperative.


This article aims to draw a comparative overview between the opinions of Mufti Muhammad Fareed R.A and Sheikh Saleem Ullah Khan R.A on the topic of rawayah (chain of narration) of hadith. It also explains the importance of hadith by stating that knowledge of Quran cannot be completely gained without the knowledge hadith. It declares that in the topic of reporting or narration the need of authenticity and confiscation is always there since beginning. It says that the science of rectification and validation is one of the major studies of hadith. This study is important and sensitive at the same time as it the knowledge which helps to identify whether the hadith is Sahih (authentic) or Da'if (weak). It also throws light on the fact that the science of rectification and validation and the knowledge of chain of narrators of all ahadiths is the remarkable possession of the Muslims. This debate defines the science of rectification and validation, consideration, identifies shariah (islamic canonical law), and mentions the books related to these topics. In this article the two sheikhs have described the introduction of chain of narration according to their perspectives. Mufti sahab clearly explains the isnad of hadith and also adds the quotes of ulama and gives references of books and states examples. On contemporary to him sheikh sahab briefly explains the isnad using the same method. The main difference between both is that mufti sahab's method is summarized one while sheikh sahab's method is detailed one.

Author Biography

Zia Ullah, Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan

Ph.D Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies

How to Cite
Zia Ullah. (2020). رواۃ حدیث کے تعارف میں مفتی محمد فرید ؒ اور شیخ سلم اللہ خانؒ کی آ راء کاتقابلی جائزہ : Comparative overview between the opinions of Mufti Muhammad Fareed and Sheikh Saleemullah Khan on Rowaat-e-Hadith. Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 4(1), 104-115. https://doi.org/10.51411/rahat.4.1.2020.110