URDU: عائلی زندگی بطور اسلامی تہذیب کا محور
Family Life as the Axis of Islamic Civilization
Family life holds significant importance in Islam due to its social and moral value in elevating human beings to their highest status as creations of Allah. It is regarded as a fundamental unit essential for building a prosperous society. Allah has designed men and women to naturally attract each other, leading to the formation of families that serve the purpose of reproduction. Consequently, both genders are integral to the family unit, complementing each other to create a harmonious and serene life. Islam, as a religion, emphasizes the promotion and strengthening of the family unit, recognizing it as the cornerstone of a healthy and prosperous society. This objective is achieved by establishing basic principles for family life, ensuring growth through legitimate relationships and providing social protection and cohesion through the institution of marriage, which is considered a legal and binding contract (Nikah). Islamic civilization, renowned for its unity, divine foundation, moral values, pursuit of genuine knowledge, and inclusive approach, owes much of its greatness to the values instilled through family life. Women hold a central position in Islam, being recognized as equally important members of the family unit with full rights—a distinction unparalleled in other civilizations before Islam. Through the protection provided by marriage (Nikah), women are empowered to contribute to the foundation of one of the greatest civilizations in human history. Thus, women are granted the freedom to shape and contribute to Islamic civilization, particularly through their focus on the moral upbringing of future generations. Their role as mothers and guardians plays a pivotal role in the advancement and prosperity of Islamic society, emphasizing the importance of family life in shaping the course of history.