ARABIC: الترادف في اللغة العربية بين المثبتين والمنكرين (دراسة نظرية)

The Synonym (Tarāduf) in Arabic among accepters & deniers (Theoretical study)

  • Dr sumaira Saghir ahmed International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Tarāduf, rhetorical terminology, Arabic language, idiomatic.


The article discusses the definition of Tarāduf both as grammatical and rhetorical terminology. The researcher has tried to point out, within the idiomatic definition, the differences of opinions and interpretations among the grammatical and rhetorical scholars in the idiomatic definition of Tarāduf. The researcher also mentions the difference of scholars in Tarāduf and its presence in the Arabic language; as some of scholars prove it in the Arabic language and ascribe the advantages of the Arabic language to it while there are still others who deny its existence in the Arabic language. These scholars are divided into three groups: The first group who completely denied, among its most well-known scholars are Ibn Al-Arabi, Salab, Ibn Darsaweh, and Ibn Faris. The second group denied its occurrence by seeking the nuances of the words that are thought to be Tarāduf. Among its most well-known scholars are Abu Hilal Al-Askari and Al-Thaalabi. The third group is proving Tarāduf in Arabic but deny its appearance in the Holy Quran.

Author Biography

Dr sumaira Saghir ahmed, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Assistant Professor

How to Cite
Saghir ahmed, D. sumaira. (2022). ARABIC: الترادف في اللغة العربية بين المثبتين والمنكرين (دراسة نظرية): The Synonym (Tarāduf) in Arabic among accepters & deniers (Theoretical study). Rahat-Ul-Quloob, 6(2), 18-31.